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Gallery Showings


A Pop Up Anti-Gallery-Gallery

Now through March 16th, 2019






We are a new Fine Arts Gallery in Flemington NJ 


Nancy Ronquist, accomplished violinist, formerly of the NJ Symphony, performing

Gallery Hours

Gallery Launch Reception:

Saturday, February 23, 2019: 5:00PM-9:00PM

Sunday, February 24, 2019: 2:00PM-5:00PM

Regular Gallery Hours:

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 11:00AM-3:00PM & 5:00PM-8:00PM

Extended Gallery Hours:

Saturday,  March 2nd: 2:00PM-5:00PM

Saturday, March 9th: 2:00PM-5:00PM

Saturday, March 16th (Ending Reception): 2:00PM-5:00PM

Curator: Diana Stockwell

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Artist: John Spears

"This show is a perfect example of how a business can join forces with artists to showcase their efforts to the local business community. Michelle Vanselous is opening her doors to artists to display their artworks and to encourage the local community to enjoy this committed effort to bring business and the arts for everyone to see, perhaps, for the first time to Flemington.  Michelle clearly demonstrates her vision and her generosity should not go unnoticed.  My hat is off to you, Michelle, for going for your vision of making your salon not only to compliment to your own skills and creativity of your own craft but to share your success with other artists." John Spears


Artist: Reny Willoughby

"It has been so exciting to work with all of the artists. Feeling their enthusiasm, launching the Gallery at Michelle Vanselous, LLC. We profoundly appreciate artist John Spears and the Flemington Community Partnership for all of their help bringing incredible art to Flemington!" Alyssa Reina, Event Planner


Artist Scott Reamer and Harry Pierson curating Scott's work


Artist: Earthen Creed

"Artists express themselves in various mediums and pros to appeal, touch and aspire the hearts and souls of humanity. Art cultivates "Civility". I am especially grateful to Alyssa Reina, our event planner, and artist John Spears who has been all aspiring and helpful to make this all possible. I'm also grateful to Diana Stockwell, curator, and Flemington business partners Kev Von Holt Gallery, Freshii, and Camp Flemington. Flemington Community Partnership is truly one of Flemington's greatest assets to aspire entrepreneurs in our efforts to re-establish itself." Michelle Ann Vanselous

Come. Buy Art. Michelle's having a Party!


Artist: Carlo Balistrieri


Artist: Nicole Buchenholz


Artist: Robert Krell


Performing Feb. 23rd, Nancy Ronquist on the violin

We are proud to offer a YouTube video highlighting our Gallery Show virtually in the event anyone with physical disabilities or limitations is unable to attend. Any concerns or questions contact Alyssa or Michelle. Call:  908.788.0550. Email:

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